Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn’s second directorial venture has been put on the back-burner. So, keen on working on his acting assignments, he has now requested film-maker Milan Luthria to start shooting his next with him soon.
Luthria, too, has obliged and will start rolling in August this year. The release date of the film has also been preponed as a result.
"Originally, we had planned the release on Independence Day (August 15, 2016), but now it will release on Good Friday on March 25, 2016," says Luthria. The makers are currently finalising the shooting locations. "We have four months to prepare for the shoot. We will shoot at one foreign location and the rest of the film will be canned in India. There’s a lot of work coming up," he says.
Earlier, the makers were going to start the film in November or December this year, but now they plan to complete the shoot by November, and start the post-production work right after. "Our schedule has changed. Ajay’s dates are now available, as he had to postpone the shooting of his directorial project. His film was supposed to start last month, but could not due to adverse weather conditions in Canada. Since they could not move the schedule to spring or summer for some technical reasons, he spoke to me and asked me if we can start shooting for my film," says Luthria.
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